viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

Feria del Libro 2016

Expresión gráfica de los cuentos narrados en nuestro proyecto lector "Fly away with books"

Charla con el astronauta


Dr. James Reilly
A presentation for Primary School children

Our pupils from 6th. Form Junior School were invited on Friday, September 2 nd to participate in a unique presentation with Dr. James Reilly, former NASA Astronaut at St. Andrew´s Scots School.

Dr. Reilly is an exploration geologist who has spent approximately 22 days in water depths to 3000´ using deep submergence vehicles to test imaging technology.

Selected by NASA in 1994, he has logged over 853 hours in space, including 5 spacewalks and three Space Shuttle Missions. His passion is to make children become aware of the importance of subjects such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for the future.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016

Pippin - The Muscial - Annual Concert 2016 - 5th and 6th form

King Charlemagne has educated his sons to be soldiers but Pippin wants something more fulfilling for himself.
Queen Fastrada and her sister encourage both sons to join an improvised army of peasants.

The circus actors have a different interest and it is to have a "Grand Finale" no matter what.
Charlemagne ans his court are disappointed with his attitude and Pippin decides to visit his grandmother in the countryside in search of advice.

She suggests to "shake it off!!" He believes in revolution and takes over his father's crown. Overwhelmed by the social situation he runs away.

He meets Catherine, a young country woman together with her sister and son. He experiences rural work. Bored of country life goes back to the circus artists.

There he senses the risk of losing everything even his life with "The Grand Finale". Determined to outcome his fears he finds himself completely fulfilled and decides to embrace a peacefull life.


Julian Alvarez Cardesa, Laureano Sobrado Debandi, Theo Vreugdenhil, Franco Nestore, Vito Grigera

Manuel Corsini, Simon Pillado, Simon Prince, Mora Lauria, Belen Jakoniuk, Renata Villar, Olivia Garcia, Giovanna Vaglio, Catalina Popken, Martina Bulgheroni, Marina Papajorge

Micaela Wolfenson, Ema Segato, Emma Respettino, Sofia Freyer

Jose Palombo, Agustin Rosales Rey

Maria Emilia Durante, Josefina Gomez, Luisina Maidana

Ramiro Romanelli

Luisina Maidana, Maria Emilia Durante, Ignacio Perez Raffo, Franco Nestore

Juan Ignacio Eraso, Franco Lanza Santoni, Geronimo Rodriguez, Vito Grigera

Valeria Cheresky

Catalina Franco Romero, Martina Insfran, Agustina Campos, Delfina Garbarini, Florencia Loconsole

Agustina Campos

Olivia Mollura

Axel Thomas

Jose Palombo, Geronimo Rodriguez

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016

Experiencia en el laboratorio

Compartimos con ustedes la experiencia en reconocimiento de elementos de laboratorio de los alumnos de 3er Grado Amarillo y Azul junto a la maestra Cristina Vera y el profesor Alex.

Investigamos todos los elementos que tiene el laboratorio y sus usos.  Algunas fotos son experiencias sobre el calor y la transformación de la materia.

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2016

Feria del Libro

Primario - Junior School los invita como todos los años a la Feria del Libro.

Los esperamos el 12, 13, 14 y 15 de Septiembre.