jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

Olimpíadas Matemáticas

Los alumnos de 5º año, E. Spinosa y J. Mosquera Collazo clasificaron en Olimpiadas Matemáticas Ñandú en la instancia zonal y se preparan para la regional!! 


miércoles, 11 de julio de 2018

Muestra Anual de Talleres

Dentro del marco de la Fiesta del Arte (ArtFest) se realizó una muestra Anual de los Talleres

jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

25th Interschool Forum

That same day, in the afternoon, we held our 25th Annual Interschool Forum. 

6th formers from ten different schools got together in the Founder's Hall to talk about and express their views on certain given topics.

This year the topics discussed were:
  • School lessons should come to a standstill during the Football World Cup
  • Social networks and on-line games will soon replace face-to-face interaction
  • Girls and boys should not share breaks at school
  • Water has become a scarce natural resource. As a result, people in our country are really committed to saving it
We would like to congratulate both the panelists and the members of the audience on their enthusiastic participation and commitment shown towards this event.

It was a wonderful experience and a great success! Well done children!

The month of July in our Junior School

The Three Musketeers

We were very kindly invited by the Calabrese family to watch The stage Company's musical theatre production "The Three Musketeers" at the Maipú Theatre in Banfield. Therefore, on July 5th our 6th formers travelled to the late 1620s to accompany D'Artagnan on his way to Paris to join the three most formidable Musketeers of the Guard: Athos, Porthos and Aramis.

Thank you, dear family for the invitation! It was a great opportunity to go on learning the language. We all had a wonderful time and we really enjoyed the play!