martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

Dinosaurs and pirates came to life in our classrooms!

Children have been enjoying the wonderful world created by Augmented Reality.

What is it about?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a growing field of technology through which real life is modified and enhanced by computer-generated sights and sound. 

It uses the existing environment and adds information to it to make a new artificial environment. In this visual interactive experience, objects in the real world are “augmented” and they seem to be real and alive!

In class, some children travelled to the past and played football with dinos whereas others went sailing with pirates! It was an amazing experience for all of us!

by I. Noble

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019

Spelling Bee

On August 23rd, four students represented the school in the Spelling Bee competition held at Generation School. These pupils were:
  • Joaquín Uzal
  • Joaquín Respettino
  • Emma Spinosa
  • Amie Mac Gaw

We congratulate all of them for the effort they put into this challenge. 

We would like to mention that Emma Spinosa got the 1st prize in her category while Aimie Mac Gaw won the 3rd prize.

Well done!
by Indiana Noble

martes, 20 de agosto de 2019

Junior School celebrates Children’s Day!

On Tuesday 20th children (of all ages!) had great fun playing a wide variety of creative games organized by 6th formers.

We shared a wonderful sunny afternoon full of games, fun, joy, sweets and pop corn!

We would specially like to thank 6th Formers for the responsibility and commitment shown and for giving us the possibility of sharing a Happy Children’s Day at school!

Congratulations! You did a great job!!
by Indiana Noble

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2019

Proyecto Solidario - Día del Niño

En el marco de nuestro Proyecto Solidario, una vez más el Colegio San Albano colaboró con los niños que más lo necesitan.

Los alumnos de 6to año del Nivel Primario organizaron y clasificaron los juguetes y libros, los cuales fueron entregados al Hogares "El Alba".

Ayudemos entre todos!! 💙💛💙

Process Writing!!

First, we described the monsters orally.  Then, we worked in groups to write sentences.  Finally, we corrected them together and prepared the posters to display outside the classroom!!

By Miss Ramil

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2019


After the winter holidays, six more pupils were appointed monitors in 6th form.

The children that have been chosen are:
  • Santiago Tadei Bories
  • Charo Palermo
  • Valentín Seara
  • Nicolás Dopminguez
  • Lucas Marconi
  • Augusto Palamara
  • Emma Spinosa
  • Juan Mosquera Collazo
  • Mateo Bernava
  • Rebecca Müller Genisell
  • Felipe Fuentes
  • Guadalupe Marinellli
Congratulations! We are very proud of you.
by lndiana Noble